340B Central Split

340B Central Split Overview

Welcome to the 340B Central Split Overview Page! This page provides a brief introduction 340B Central Split. Look forward to more resources on Central Split coming soon. 



340B Central Split: A Centralized Warehousing Solution

Whether your health system has built a physical space or created a virtual infrastructure to accommodate centralized ordering, 340B Central Split can help you efficiently consume 340B and GPO accumulations across your entire health system. Our user friendly, yet sophisticated solution, now offers efficient centralized ordering and splitting and comes with the ongoing support of a specialized team of 340B experts to assist you every step of the way. 

How it Works

340B Central Split takes the complexity out of centralized ordering. 340B Architect and 340B Central Split work together to continue offering the same ordering functionality that you’re accustomed to with your individual pharmacies while also seamlessly facilitating ordering to your new centralized site. 


Health systems are now able to take advantage of 340B and GPO accumulations earned at individual pharmacies to replenish their central inventory. 

Efficiently purchase drugs and have them shipped to a central location.

Eliminate manual ordering processes and consolidates ordering activities. 

Optimize drug spend across your entire health system. 

Table of Contents